Heinrich-von-Stephan-Straße 17
79100 Freiburg im Breisgau
Germany Phone: +49 761 45 89 29-52
Fax: +49 761 45 89 29-99
[email protected]
Our returns address is as follows:
CTP park l Hala A1.5 / Gate 33
Nová Hospoda 25
348 02 Bor u Tachova
Czech Republic Groundies GmbH
c/o Schenker Deutschland AG Zollbüro Augsburg
z.H. Import Groundies – RW Abwicklung
Depotstr. 11
86199 Augsburg
Chief executive officer: Jörg Riemann, Philip Raum
Registered at the Freiburg registry office: HRB-Nr. 729150
Sales tax identification number according to § 27 of the sales tax law: DE361995525
Liability: Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The content of linked sites is strictly the responsibility of the owners of those sites.
The information and explanations available on our Internet pages are not binding. Groundies GmbH takes no responsibility for the correctness or completeness of the information contained therein; in particular, no guarantees, assurances of specific product properties or other legal titles are made. Content errors will of course be immediately corrected as they are discovered. Furthermore, from time to time content changes will be made to our printed information; these changes will also be carried out on our Internet pages with varying time delays, so that the content of the Internet pages may be partially out of date. We would ask that you inform yourself about the current status of our product information and the availability of the individual products through inquiries to our sales department.
We do not constantly monitor the information on other Internet sites that are accessed from links on these Internet pages, so we cannot take responsibility for their conte.
In so far as data and software are available for download from our Internet pages, Groundies GmbH makes no guarantee of their freedom from error. Groundies GmbH exhaustively verifies all data and software meant for downloading for virus contamination; still, we recommend that you once again verify downloaded data or software for viruses with the latest virus-detection software.
Copyright and other trademark rights
The content of these Internet pages is copyright protected. You may download a copy of the information found on these Internet pages to your own computer for personal, non-commercial use. Logos, graphics, text, tones or pictures on these Internet pages may only be copied, changed, published, downloaded, shipped, transmitted or otherwise used with the express permission of Groundies GmbH. In so far as product and company names are mentioned, incorporated brand names or trademarks may be involved, the unauthorized use of which could result in action for injunction or damage claims made against you.
Confidentiality and protection of personal data - applicable law
The Internet is not a secure system, so no guarantees can be made that information or personal data transmitted to us will be protected from third parties during the transmission.
Groundies GmbH is not liable for any damages that result from the use of these Internet pages or from the downloading of data; in particular, Groundies GmbH takes no responsibility for direct or indirect consequential damages, data loss, lost earnings, or system and product downtime. The previous limitation of liability is not valid if the damage is intentional or due to gross negligence. The legal relationship between you and Groundies GmbH for the use of these Internet pages is subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The court of jurisdiction for litigation with fully qualified traders that results from the use of these Internet pages is Freiburg.
Online Dispute Resolution
Online Dispute Resolution in accordance with Article 14, Section 1 ODR-VO: The European Commission is providing a platform for online dispute resolution (OS) see